Seven Figure Courses – Derek Halpern

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Seven Figure Courses – Derek Halpern



Seven Figure Courses – Derek Halpern
Seven Figure Courses – Derek Halpern




What we will get in this course:

  • Module 1: Find Your Profitable Course Idea – The BIG DIFFERENCE between an online course that makes a handful of sales and a Seven Figure Course. (Hint: in many cases you just need to change ONE thing to skyrocket the money potential of your online course).
  • Module 2: Build Your Audience and Email List – How to build an audience of people who want to buy your online course (without a fancy website, without writing a blog, without doing anything other than “testing your ideas” for your eventual online course business).
  • Module 3: Create Your Entry-Level Course – The secret behind how you can take a “profitable online course idea” and turn it into your first online course in a matter of weeks (yes, weeks). I’ll show you how much content you need, how long each piece of content should be, and most important, I’ll show you how to ensure the course actually helps people).
  • Module 4: Launch Your Course – There are 3 types of “online course launches.” There is the 10k launch, the 100k launch, and the Seven Figure Course launch. I’ll show you exactly what it takes to create each launch (including how much content you need to give away, what to say in each piece of content, and how to persuade people to buy now).
  • Module 5: Create Your Flagship Course – How to develop a multi-week, flagship online course that commands premium prices (The truth? Flagship courses can sell for as little as $1,000 and as much as $5,000 per student. And I’ll show you how to make people feel like they got it for a deal).
  • Bonus Strategies for each module.


Seven Figure Courses – Derek Halpern


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