The Perpetual Sales Engine – Ben Adkins

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Ben Adkins
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The Perpetual Sales Engine – Ben Adkins



The Perpetual Sales Engine – Ben Adkins
The Perpetual Sales Engine – Ben Adkins


What we can learn from The Perpetual Sales Engine?

In this course, we will learn the detailed system and tech setup that elite coaches, consultants, and digital agency owners use to close high ticket sales weekly on autopilot.

  • Introduction.
  • Part 1 – How to craft the perfect offer for a webinar attendee. We will learn learn how to create the perfect offer for our webinar attendees so that we maximize our sales.
  • Part 2 – Dr.Ben’s million dollar webinar template. We will get a behind the scenes walkthrough of all of the unique conversion driving psychology that is built into it.
  • Part 3 – Webinar delivery secrets. We will learn exactly how to present during a webinar and the mindset tricks that we can use to get people extremely engaged with our delivery.
  • Part 4 – The evergreen webinar tech stack walkthrough. We will get the exact software and tech setup that we can use to get everything up and automated in hours.
  • Part 5 – Dr.Ben’s evergreen webinar FB Ad System. We will learn exactly how to drive targeted traffic and minimize our Ad cost with a proven template.
  • Part 6 – The evergreen webinar email followup campaign template. We will get access to the template that Ben uses to do just that (and an explanation of how it works).
  • Resources.


The Perpetual Sales Engine – Ben Adkins


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