Bob Serling – Fast Track Licensing Kit

The Fast Track Guide to High-Profit Licensing Deals. This manual gives you everything you’ll need to quickly and easily start closing five and six figure licensing deals. It features six complete chapters from my full Million Dollar Licensing program — and it’s the fasted way possible to cash in on licensing.
The Fast Track Q&A Session. This is a transcription of a live Question & Answer session I did with 100 people on the line. Practically every question you can think of on licensing is answered here. The questions people asked were excellent and many students tell me this session alone was responsible for helping them “turn the corner” and close their first deal.
A special interview I did with my friend and publicity/marketing expert Paul Hartunian. Paul reveals how he’s used my strategy of Product Customization to quickly turn a single idea into 60 products — all very similar and all excellent sellers. And he shows you step-by-step how you can do this with any product or service.
A one hour, no holds barred interview I did with Eric Rockefeller. Eric grilled me on licensing and added many valuable insights of his own. This interview has never been released, so you’ll be among the first to benefit from this powerful material.
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