Build Grow Scale Amazon – Tanner Larsson

Most Marketer’s Can’t Even Spell “FBA”
Anytime you have a ‘hot opportunity’ shady marketers come out of the woodwork and all of a sudden become “Experts” in whatever that opportunity is.
I have no problem with people teaching what they know…IF…they actually know it and more importantly DO IT!
However most of the people selling physical product courses fall into one of 3 categories…
9 They know how to sell physical products in Theory only. (60%)
9 They have sold enough physical products for ” proof of concept” which is good enough in their mind to go out and start teaching others (30%)
9 They are actually doing it, and can provide great training, but charge an arm and a leg for it (10%)
Of those, I only have respect for #3, the other two types of people are everything that gives internet marketing a bad name.
And to be totally honest, it was because of those 2 types, that finally decided to release this training.
Because what good is it for me to ‘talk crap’ about the problems in the marketplace if I don’t have a legitimate and BETTER solution to offer.
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