Christian Mickelsen – Free Your Time, Free Your Life

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Christian Mickelsen – Free Your Time, Free Your Life



Christian Mickelsen – Free Your Time, Free Your Life
Christian Mickelsen – Free Your Time, Free Your Life



As seen in Forbes, MSN, Yahoo Finance, and the Boston Globe…

“When You Think About How Much Work You Have To Do To Grow Your Coaching
Business, Do You Ever Feel Overwhelmed & Exhausted? If so…”

“Pay close attention to this step-by-step process
that shows you how to take immediate control of
your time, your activities, and your life so that
you can accomplish far more while consistently
working from a state of peace & joy…”

Dear Coach,

Do you ever feel stressed out because “there aren’t enough hours in the day”,
or there’s just “too much to do and too little time”? Maybe you even feel like no
matter how hard you work, you just can’t seem to get caught up, and the “to do”
list just keeps getting bigger and bigger.

Have you read a few time books and found that some of the ideas worked and
some of them didn’t. And, even if they all worked well, you might be getting more
things done, but somehow more time isn’t becoming available to you.

Why Time Management Doesn’t Work & What To Do About It…

There is a fundamental problem with time management programs. There is an
underlying assumption that is flawed. The assumption is that if you can get more
things done in less time, you will have more free time.

But, that’s a lie! People who have big goals will always have more things to do
than you can ever finish in a given day, week, or month. No matter how much you
complete there will always be more.

Time management is not the answer. “Time management” can be helpful, but if
you really want to be more productive AND have the free time to do other things
besides work, then you’ll need to take a different approach. I’ll share this with you
in a second, but first, let me ask you this…

What would you do with your time if you had twice as much of it? What would
you like to be doing with your time that you aren’t already doing?

Do you want to…

  • spend more time with friends and family?
  • take more breaks, mini-vacations, and full-on vacations?
  • be able to be more creative and not worry about the sales and marketing so much?
  • take a month off and travel the world?
  • take 3 day weekends?
  • work 25 hour work weeks?
  • ____________________ (you fill in the blank)Why Some People Work Best Under Pressure

    Are you someone that works best under pressure? Do you need the rush of a
    deadline that’s almost impossible to reach in order to churn out your best stuff?
    There are 3 reasons for this…

    First, when you have a deadline and a project is due “tomorrow”, you give
    yourself permission to do crappy work. Heck, you don’t have a lot of time, you’re
    working really fast, if this isn’t amazing, you have a perfect excuse. You inner critic
    can go to sleep and you can just get to work.

    Second, when you are under pressure you “have to” come up with something.
    Instead of worrying and thinking “I don’t know what to write” or “I don’t know how
    to do this”, because of the pressure of the deadline, you just ‘make yourself’ come
    up with something. Good or bad; right or wrong, you get to work and start banging
    away at it.

    Finally, when you’re under pressure, you get a surge of adrenaline. This gives
    you great levels of energy and your brain is extra fired up in the moment giving
    you more creativity and more power to accomplish what you’re working on.

    The “Dark Side” of the Pressure Cooker…

    Of course, all of the reasons why people work better under pressure are part of
    the reason why you might find yourself behind the 8 ball so often. And even
    though “in the moment” when you’re working on a project with a deadline, you
    might feel great. It has a high cost.

    When you’re done with a project like this, there’s usually a crash that comes
    after it. Sometimes a big one, sometimes small ones. But, this constant UP and
    DOWN is actually quite exhausting. Especially when there are so many projects to
    work on.

    The best work is actually done from a state of peace and calm, but because
    people have an “inner critic” that is expecting all of their ideas to be great ones and
    all of their work to be perfect, sometimes it’s not until the pressure is on that you
    can put the critic to sleep. However, if you could put the critic to sleep for good,
    you wouldn’t need to threat of a deadline to make it OK to go for it.

    When you’re working “in the flow”, at a peaceful and relaxed pace, the energy
    isn’t coming from adrenaline, it’s coming from a more pure place. This is the same
    place that all ideas come from. You’re more in alignment with universal energy and
    power and the work you do is more profound and effective.

    The REAL Cost of Being “Hurried, Worried, Rushed, & Stressed”…

    Coaches I know who are working their butts off, are missing out on a lot. But,
    it’s usually not very clear what they’re missing. You see, not only do you miss out
    on doing fun stuff that you’d rather be doing. You also miss out on a high quality of

    “How you spend your time, is how you spend your life.”
    – Christian Mickelsen

    When you’re stressed out by all of the things you need to do to grow your
    coaching business, and you feel hurried & worried, it can be very hard to stay
    present when you’re doing the “fun stuff”. Why? Because there’s a part of your
    mind that’s still thinking about all of the stuff you need to do, and worrying that
    something might fall through the cracks.

    This impacts….

  • your health
  • your relationships
  • your attractiveness (to clients)
  • your general feeling of aliveness. Plus…Before you know it, your whole life can pass you by.  And on top of it all, when
    you’re feeling this way, and working this way – your work can actually suffer
    producing less than desirable results. Plus…

    You might miss out on opportunities and synchronicities that show up, only to go
    unnoticed because your nose is buried too deep in your computer.

    How Much More Money Will You Make When You Master TIME Itself?

    If you eliminated procrastination from your life, would you accomplish more? If
    you regularly tapped into your highest genius, would your work be of better
    quality? If you were “in the zone” while working on your marketing materials, would
    they be more effective? And working this way, would you be more naturally
    attractive to clients?

    If you think the answers to these questions (above) are yes, then my next questions is –

    What is it worth to…

  • have your life back?
  • work the hours you want?
  • be totally relaxed while working?
  • be totally present with family and friends (no longer worrying about your
    endless mountain of work)?
  • consistently turn out your best work?
  • never feel overwhelmed?If changing your relationship to time and work means you might
    make an extra $20K/year for the next 25 years, then you might be willing to make
    a large investment in mastering this area of your life.

    On top of all this, did you know that numerous clinical studies show that people
    who are under lots of stress are at greater risk for health issues such as heart
    attacks and cancer? Did you also know that stress lowers your immune system
    increasing your chances of getting sick?

    What is it worth to be able to live an extra 5 to 10 years? To live a healthier life
    with fewer illnesses?

    The answer to “what is it worth” is of course, “priceless”. But, ask a dying man
    what he would pay for an extra 5 years in good health and the numbers will
    astound us both.

    How I Accidentally Became “Time Abundant”…

    I have been coaching busy business owners for the last 9 years. And the top 2
    reasons they hire me are to make more money and have more free time. But, for
    the last 9 years I have not been teaching time management strategies. Why not?

    It certainly isn’t because my clients don’t need them.  The reason is because I
    could never get myself to fit my lifestyle into the tightly structured “time-
    management boxes” that most experts profess. Can you relate?

    I do use a few time management strategies that work like a charm, (which I’ll
    share with you in a moment), but I never felt good advising my clients on them.
    And then something happened…

    I realized that over the last year, my life has transformed in a miraculous way! I
    was asked to speak to a group of business owners and I asked them what they
    most need help with, and the majority of them said “I don’t have enough time to
    get everything done” and hearing that sounded weird to me because I realized
    that I had more time abundance than anyone I knew (and I know a lot of very
    successful people).

    I had managed to achieve something that has eluded so many.

    As I was speaking to this group of business owners, I decided to take a look at
    myself and why I have so much time abundance in my life, in spite of the fact that I
    have am the owner of one of the biggest, fastest growing businesses in my

    On the spot I identified several concepts that I live by which I now call the “Free
    Your Time, Free Your Life” principles. I shared these ideas and everyone in the
    audience was stunned. People were shocked that it was so simple, yet so
    profound. I have since taught these concepts to a handful of other lucky people to
    more cheers of appreciation. And now, I want to share them with you.

    Principle #1: Free Your Mind Of Time Scarcity
    Principle #2: Love Everything You Do
    Principle #3: Develop Patient Timelines
    Principle #4: Simplify Your Life
    Principle #5: Upgrade Your Energy Sources
    Principle #6: Re-define Your World
    Principle #7: Elevate Your Consciousness

    Warning: These Ideas May Make You Feel Very WEIRD (In a Good Way)…

    The beautiful thing about these new concepts is that they create a “total time
    transformation” – meaning that your whole relationship to time changes and you
    become a person that is naturally “time abundant”.

    Here are some side effects of learning and applying these principles….

  • You feel more relaxed
  • You’re in “the flow” of life
  • Your work “happens” (no more forcing things, now the ideas just come to you
    and come through you)
  • You have more time for play and fun and the people that really matter to you
    in your life
  • The work you do is far more effective (every hour of work accomplishes 2 to 3
    times what it used to) And… 

    I have to warn you that it can feel kind of weird because all of the drama of day
    to day life might disappear – leaving you with a strange sense of peace and calm.

    In fact, I teach this live as a 4-month group coaching program because
    sometimes an unconscious part of a person’s mind will try to sabotage this shift
    since the ego feeds on drama. We need to keep an eye on your application of
    these changes so that they stick -once and for all!

    The Only Time Management Techniques That Actually DO Work For Me (Maybe
    They’ll Work For You Too)…

    Again, I’m not a big fan of traditional time management because they don’t
    really get to the root-cause of a lack of time… you. But, in studying so many time
    management programs, here are the ideas that I was able to implement that have
    helped me…

    #1: Time chunk-
    Instead of having coaching sessions scheduled throughout the week, bunch them
    up so that you have a few sessions right in a row each day that you coach. This
    will keep you from having to constantly stop what you’re doing and get ready to
    coach. You can do this with other activities too. You’ll find yourself twice as
    productive from this one simple idea.

    #2: Schedule activities-
    Most people find that when they have an appointment, they don’t miss it (they
    may run late, but they usually keep it). So, if you have a big project you’re working
    on, set aside specific times to work on it in your calendar. You’ll find that you
    procrastinate far less when you have a schedule and you’ll make far more progress
    on your projects.

    #3: Make a list-
    OK, this is an oldie, but a goodie. If you can get all of your ideas out of your head
    and onto a piece of paper, you’ll be able to immediately relax and you can get a
    great sense of accomplishment each time you cross something off the list.

    #4: Prioritize-
    Once you have a list, now you want to make sure you get the most important
    things done first. Of course, if there are a few quick and easy things you can do to
    make progress, get momentum, and get a few things crossed off your list, go for
    it. But that aside, if you can get clear on the top 3-5 most important things to work
    on, and you work on it, you’ll make the greatest impact on the results you’re
    wanting to produce.

    #5: That’s it –
    There are only 4 “time management” strategies that I actually do with any
    consistency. They help, but to be honest, they aren’t what freed me from the rat
    race of time.

    Time For Brutal Loving Honesty About Your Life…

    The truth is, you’ve probably already heard of the time management techniques
    I just shared. You may have tried them in the past. You might even being using
    them right now. If so, you’ll probably agree that they were helpful, but did they
    really help you get this area of your life handled?

    Probably not or you wouldn’t still be reading this. If you really want to enjoy
    your time and your life, and take control of this situation once and for all, you’re
    going to have to dig deeper and approach things in a whole new way. And I’d like
    to help…

    “Free Your Time, Free Your Life”… Today…

    Today, you have in your power the choice to make a major change in your life.
    Instead of hurried, worried, and stressed, you can be cool, calm, and collected –
    no matter what life throws your way.

    The “Time Abundance Guarantee”: Try this program out for 90 days. After you go
    through this entire program, if you don’t feel a dramatic shift in your relationship to
    time, just say the word and you’ll get a full and complete refund.

    What you get: 9 lessons on CD plus a printed 186-page manual as well as the
    bonus online version with one lesson delivered to your email inbox once every 7
    days to help pace yourself and absorb each session.

    Investment: $997 (payable as 4 payments of $249.25) or save money with the full
    pay option -just $897.

    Why Enroll Now?

    The real reason to enroll into this program now is because many people who
    have time challenges also tend to procrastinate. This can be a huge problem for
    people. If this is you (and you know who you are), then if you want to eliminate
    procrastination, put off the urge to procrastinate this one time, and make the
    decision to get started with this program now. If you can take action right now,
    this one time, I’ll help make it easy for you to be proactive in the future and help
    you eliminate procrastination forever.

    Don’t Sign Up? What if you don’t get into this program. Then what will you do?
    There are hundreds of “time management” programs out there. But, there is no
    other program out there that can help you transform your relationship to time

    Do you really want to go back to the overwhelm, the exhaustion, the constant
    stress, and a level of productivity and effectiveness that is less than we both know
    you’re capable of? I don’t think so. Join this program now and you’re life will never
    be the same again. Guaranteed.

    The “Time Abundance Guarantee”: Try this program out for 90 days. After you go
    through this entire program, if you don’t feel a dramatic shift in your relationship to
    time, or if you’re not completely happy for any reason, just say the word and you’ll
    get a full and complete refund.




Christian Mickelsen – Free Your Time, Free Your Life


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