Copywriting Academy 2 – Ray Edwards

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Copywriting Academy 2 – Ray Edwards



Copywriting Academy 2 – Ray Edwards
Copywriting Academy 2 – Ray Edwards



Copywriting Academy is a complete, 100% comprehensive online learning-and-doing system that not only teaches us how to write copy that sells our products, services and ideas, but also helps us get it done while we learn. The techniques, tools and templates are ours, and we can use them to write as many cash-creating promotions, sales letters, product launches, and email campaigns as we want.

  • Session 1 – Copywriting Quickstart.
  • Session 2 – The Secret Skeleton of Million Dollar Sales Copy.
  • Session 3 – Copy That Attracts Readers Like Magic.
  • Session 4 – Inbox Money Magic.
  • Session 5 – The Fascination Factor.
  • Session 6 – Irresistible Offers.
  • Session 7 – Write Guarantees That Shock, Awe and Sell.
  • Session 8 – Closing Copy.
  • Session 9 – The Secrets of Product Launch Copy.
  • Session 10 – Video Copy Magic.
  • Coaching Calls.
  • Bonus Module.



Copywriting Academy 2 – Ray Edwards


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