Corbett Barr – Traffic School

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Corbett Barr – Traffic School



Corbett Barr – Traffic School
Corbett Barr – Traffic School




Get a Thriving Audience for Your
Website or Blog 

Welcome to Traffic School

Traffic School will be enrolling a limited number of new students this week.
Before we open the doors, we want to share the full launch details, pricing and course contents with you.

Remember, enrollment in Traffic School is limited. The only way to secure your spot in the course is to sign up for
the priority notification list at the Traffic School website (if you haven’t already) and we’ll email you first when it opens.

What Traffic School Will Do For You

Traffic School is a complete course on building thriving online audiences. The course will teach you how to attract more visitors and make more sales for your website or blog.

Course Guarantee

Traffic School is so effective that we guarantee you will double your site’s traffic within 6 months or your money back. If your site is brand new, you’ll go from 0 to at least 3,000 visitors/month in 6 months.

Who Traffic School is For

Traffic School is for serious entrepreneurs who understand quality traffic is the key to driving sales and building communities. If you are willing to invest your
time and energy into building consistent, thriving traffic (instead of throwing money into one-time low converting marketing tactics), this course is for you.

This isn’t just meant for people who want to be professional bloggers or social media consultants, either. Traffic School will work for any type of website if you apply what we teach you.

What You’ll Get in the Course

You’ll learn how to leverage our unique “Thriving Audience framework” to
create a steady stream of exposure. The framework will build your foundation of knowledge throughout 5 modules and 26 lessons in the course.

Each lesson is delivered either by me (Corbett Barr, your host), or by one of our
15 wildly successful and passionate special guest instructors (including: Gary Vaynerchuk, Chris Guillebeau, Danielle LaPorte, Leo Babauta, Chris Garrett, Ramit Sethi, Kevin and Julia Hartz, Adam Baker, Karol Gajda, Steve Kamb, Fraser Cain, Pat Flynn, Everett Bogue and Clay Collins).

Special Launch Details

Unfortunately, only a limited number of 100 seats are available for this class. I’d love to open up more, but limiting the seats allows us to spend more time with each student and to make sure the course is ready for “prime time” before opening it up to a much wider audience.

Read on for full details.

The Real Reason Your Site Isn’t Getting Enough Traffic

Here’s the problem with typical advice online.

Most Internet “experts” will tell you that you just need to tweet often enough or learn SEO or master StumbleUpon or (insert popular promotional tactic here) to succeed online.

If you’ve tried that advice and haven’t become the success you’re aiming for, you know that the generic recycled “top 10 list” advice just doesn’t work.

You need much more than the latest social media tactics. All the generic social media or blogging information in the world won’t help you achieve what you’re hoping to. Knowing Google Analytics inside and out won’t do a damn thing to actually build your audience.

If you subscribe to typical strategies, you’ll end up with typical results, and
typical means failure online.

That’s why we built Traffic School.
Traffic School is for people who are ready to move beyond the typical advice. Traffic School is based on a comprehensive framework for building thriving online
audiences. This course will not only deliver near-term results for you, but also build a robust foundation that will lead to a lifetime of success in building popular websites.

The Thriving Audience framework

The Thriving Audience framework will be your guide throughout the course. The framework is built on over 10 years of marketing study and real world practice. It was then refined through the input of dozens of successful online entrepreneurs and hundreds of hours of consulting with entrepreneurs with new online projects.

The basis of the framework are the three pillars of building an online audience: foundation, content and promotion. Each pillar then contains several key components, each of which is revealed in detailed lessons throughout the course.

Here’s the framework at a high level:

This framework is the exact formula I’ve used to create multiple sites with over
100,000+ annual visitors over the past four years, and it includes the insanely useful strategies of all our special guest instructors.

Much More than Education

Traffic School is much more than just an education. We also focus on action and interaction. Taking action is the only way you’ll get any benefit from the course. We try to make that easy with next action steps and our site critique framework.

A key component of the Thriving Audience framework is also building relationships with people online. The course is structured to make sure you get plenty of interaction with your fellow students. We know that some of your interactions will turn into massively mutually beneficial relationships.

In addition to the 26 lessons in the course, you’ll also get:

● Exclusive member-only forums

● Action-focused “homework” for many of the lessons

● A site critique framework for taking your own site’s pulse

● A site launch checklist to make sure your next launch (or relaunch) goes off with a bang

● Four special bonuses for the inaugural class, including two bonus lessons, the 19-page Conversion Rate Optimization formula guide and (for the first 20 students enrolled) Gary Vaynerchuk’s new book “The Thank You Economy”

● Membership to an exclusive promotion network where fellow students will help to promote your work

● Instructor access: each lesson in the course is interactive, and you can
ask questions on any related topic (every instructor may not be available for
questions, but someone will always answer your question)

Full Lesson Details and Contents

Here’s what the course looks like:

The course is delivered through video, audio and text. You choose how to receive the lessons in whatever format suits you best.

The lessons are self-paced, but we’ll also put you on a schedule if you need reminders to keep moving. The full content will be available to you right after registering, although some elements will be released in the coming weeks since this is the first time we’re admitting students to the course.

About half of the lessons are delivered by me (Corbett Barr, your host and founder of Think Traffic), and half the lessons are delivered by our amazing special guest instructors (see below for details).

Here are the 5 modules and 26 lessons in Traffic School, and just a small taste of what you’ll learn from each:

Module 1: Core Concepts

● Course Overview — learn how the Thriving Audience framework will become the foundation of your site’s success and why it is the roadmap used by thousands of successful sites

● Understanding Traffic — learn how to analyze traffic using the right tools and how to take your site’s own “traffic pulse”

● The Traffic-Building Mindset — find out how you have to approach a project mentally and why so many online projects fail to attract an audience

● Simplicity and Focus (with Leo Babauta) — how Leo Babauta built a top
100 blog by focusing on just a few things

● Passion and Giving a **** (with Gary Vaynerchuk) — Gary explains (in his signature enthusiastic style) how to attract raving fans by caring more than anyone else about your topic

Module 2: Foundation

● Building Your Foundation — identify the essential building blocks of your business, and how you must optimize them to ensure ultimate success

● The Foundation of a Successful Startup (with Kevin and Julia Hartz) — find out how Kevin and Julia (founders of Eventbrite) built a foundation strong enough to take on Ticketmaster

● Market, USP and Differentiation — learn how to choose a market that will
work best for you and how to use differentiation to make your site stand far above the sea of competition

● Creating a Movement (with Chris Guillebeau) — Chris Guillebeau shares how your business can be a tool to influence and inspire others to take massive, world-changing action

● Branding and Design — learn how to create a knockout brand and magnetic design that will make your visitors love you even before they consume your content

● Self Critique (with Chris Garrett) — Chris Garrett explains how to look at your own site with fresh eyes and how to know when you need an outside opinion

Module 3: Content

● Developing Content — learn a step-by-step formula for creating content that makes new visitors beat down your door to join you

● The “Epic Shit” Factor — building a thriving audience of raving fans online all starts with producing epic shit. Not mediocre shit, not good shit, but epic content. Find out how to create your own epic content in this special lesson.

● Authenticity (with Danielle LaPorte) — Danielle LaPorte explains how to find and leverage your inner authenticity to attract quality customers and feel great about what you’re doing

● Saying What Matters (with Everett Bogue) — Everett Bogue shows you how to write content that promotes itself by saying what really matters to your audience.

● Winning Conversions — attracting quality visitors is meaningless unless you can influence them to take the actions you want. Learn how to convert your traffic into regular visitors and paying customers.

● Vision (with Clay Collins) — Clay Collins will teach you how to create a crystal clear vision for your business that will transform you into a magnetic and successful leader

Module 4: Promotion
● Promotion Strategy — do you have a real promotional strategy or just a shotgun approach? Learn the difference and how to build an effective strategy that will work for you

● Exceptional Relationships (with Adam Baker) — Adam Baker discusses how cultivating the right relationships can make the biggest difference in your business and traffic

● Effective Social Media — social media can either be a massively effective promotional tool or a huge waste of time. Learn the techniques you need to really make social media effective.

● Fanatical Community (with Steve Kamb) — Steve Kamb details how to create and nurture a passionate, thriving community around your business.

● Promotion Tactics — social media, SEO, link building, Twitter, Digg, Facebook, which should you use and how should you use them? We’ll deep into promotional tactics in this lesson.

● SEO Strategy (with Fraser Cain) — Fraser Cain attracts over a million visitors a month from the search engines to his astronomy website. Find out exactly how he built that traffic using a super secret SEO strategy in this

Module 5: Money + Conclusion

● Money Fundamentals — learn the four ways you can make money online and how to decide which is right for your situation.

● Profit-Making Strategies (with Pat Flynn) — Pat Flynn discusses how to effectively monetize your site and ways to drive targeted traffic that converts like crazy.

● The Next Level (with Ramit Sethi) — Ramit Sethi explains how to find your voice by going above and beyond mediocrity, and what to focus on if you want to achieve disproportionate results.

Meet Your Instructors

Your Host: Corbett Barr

I’m Corbett Barr, creator of Traffic School and founder of Think Traffic.

I’ll be your guide throughout Traffic School and the host for all of our special guest instructor lessons. I look forward to interacting with you in the course and answering your questions in the lesson comments and forums.

I’m ecstatic to have so many fantastic guest instructors involved in Traffic School. Read below
to find out more about our very special guests. They appear here in the order in which you’ll find their lessons in the course.

Leo Babauta: Simplicity and Focus

Leo’s blog Zen Habits has attracted over
200,000 subscribers and is a top 100 blog. Zen Habits has also been named one of Time Magazine’s blogs of the year for the past two years.

In Traffic School Leo shows you how to use simplicity and focus to do less, accomplish more and (most importantly) to enjoy what you do more at the same time.

Gary Vaynerchuk: Passion and Giving a ****

Gary Vaynerchuk is a New York Times bestselling author and the host of Wine Library TV. Gary built his family’s liquor store to a
$60M business and has appeared on Late Night with Conan O’Brien, The Ellen Degeneres Show, The Today Show and Nightline.

In Traffic School, Gary shows you how to use your passion and caring about your customer
to propel you and your site directly to the a-list.

Kevin and Julia Hartz: The Foundation of a Successful Startup

Kevin and Julia Hartz are co-founders of Eventbrite, the online ticketing company that has grown to over $400 million in gross ticket sales in four years. Kevin is also a prolific angel investor and startup advisor whose portfolio includes PayPal, Friendster, Geni, TripIt, Flixster and a dozen more.

In Traffic School, Kevin and Julia explain what your online business needs as a foundation to succeed.

Chris Guillebeau: Creating a Movement

Chris Guillebeau is the man behind The Art of Nonconformity (both the blog and book), which has become a gathering place for nonconformists of all kinds. Chris is on a mission to visit every country in the world by
his 35th birthday (just 41 left!).

In Traffic School, Chris shows you how to create something bigger than yourself and turn your project into a movement of its own.

Chris Garrett: Self Critique

Chris Garrett has been blogging since long before it was called blogging. He and frequently contributes toProblogger projects and books.

In Traffic School, Chris reveals how to conduct your own website “self critique” and how to know when you should seek outside help.

Danielle LaPorte is the brash entrepreneur who runs White Hot Truth, a blog and business about self realization and authenticity. She helps entrepreneurs make connections
between ideas and strategies and get fired up about their businesses through Fire Starter

comfortable with.
In Traffic School, Danielle shares how you can use authenticity and transparency to attract the right people to your site in a way that you feel

Everett Bogue: Saying What Matters

Everett is a self-proclaimed cybernetic yogi supporting mindfulness in the future of human and technological evolution. He is also a well- known minimalist who runs

In Traffic School, Everett explains why you should write content that matters, and how to do it in a compelling way that practically promotes itself.

Clay Collins: Vision

Clay is recognized as one of the world’s top internet marketers, a successful entrepreneur, and creator of ridiculously useful products such as The Presell Formula and Project Mojave. You can find him at

In Traffic School, Clay Collins shows how to create a crystal-clear vision for your online business that will help you become a leader in your field.

Adam (or Baker, as his friends like to call him) runs Man Vs. Debt, a site that began in 2009 as a way to document his family’s quest to sell everything they owned, pay off all their debt, and spend a year traveling abroad. The community has since grown like crazy, all around the motto of selling your crap, paying off your debt, and doing what you love.

In Traffic School, Baker shows you how to create the high-level relationships and
connections that are essential to growing your traffic and your business.

Steve Kamb: Fanatical Community

Steve is the founder of Nerd Fitness, a community of health- and fitness-conscious nerds and average Joes whose focus is to keep up the fitness while still doing the stuff they love.

In Traffic School, Steve shows you how to make your site stand out (even in a crowded topic), as well as how to create and nurture a passionate, thriving community around your growing site.

Fraser Cain: SEO Strategies

Fraser has built huge traffic numbers to his siteUniverse Today, almost entirely through SEO efforts. He showed me some recent stats, and I had to do a double-take. Universe Today attracts over 1.3 million visitors a month from search engine traffic alone.

In Traffic School, Fraser reveals the exact strategies he has used to build such incredible
traffic. You won’t want to miss this one.

Pat Flynn: Profit-making Strategies

Pat is the man behind the Smart Passive Income Blog, a site where he documents his step-by-step strategies in building a passive income. Pat is fully transparent with all his methods, and it’s partly the reason why people see him as an expert in building multiple streams of passive income.

In Traffic School, Pat Flynn shows you how to monetize your site most effectively and how to drive targeted traffic that converts like crazy.

Ramit Sethi: The Next Level

Ramit is the New York Times bestselling author of the book (and blog) I Will Teach You To Be Rich. He focuses on personal finance, entrepreneurship, and often touches on the psychology behind money and the ways it controls our decisions.

In Traffic School, Ramit explains how to elevate your site beyond mediocrity by finding your voice, and what you should be focusing on to achieve disproportionate results.

Karol Gajda: $190k in 72 hours

Karol’s mission is to help 100 people achieve ridiculously extraordinary freedom, and he enlists and inspires a growing army of freedom fighters at Ridiculously Extraordinary.

In Traffic School, Karol shows how you can
turn a great idea into a win-win-win situation for everyone involved and make some serious profit along the way.

Special Bonuses for The Inaugural Class

You’ll be part of the very first class to go through Traffic School. We want to give you some special bonuses as a thank-you for signing up. In exchange, we’ll be asking for your feedback after you go through the course.

Here are your special bonuses:

● Extra special limited bonus: the first 20 students will receive a free copy of Gary Vaynerchuk’s new book “The Thank You Economy” when it is released on March 8.

● The Conversion Rate Optimization Formula guide: this special guide to conversion rate optimization was created specially for Traffic School by SEO and conversion rate expert John Muldoon.

● Bonus lesson #1: $190,000 in 72 Hours (with Adam Baker and Karol Gajda): find out how Baker and Karol sold nearly $200k worth of other people’s product in just three days through a brand new website.

● Bonus lesson #2: The “Dirty Little Secret” most pro bloggers won’t tell you about the good old days (and how you can use it to your advantage)

What you’ll learn in Traffic School is the sum total of everything I’ve learned from working with dozens of clients over the years. These are the exact strategies clients have paid me $300 an hour to learn. Some of our guest instructors charge
$1,000 per hour or more (if they even offer consulting services anymore — most don’t).

The guest instructors and I created over 40 hours of quality instruction for this project and have given it everything we’ve got. This course will change your life if you put in the work.

Traffic School is as comprehensive as a college-level course, but unlike college courses, what we teach will immediately help you start growing your online business.

The Double-Your-Traffic Guarantee

The real goal of traffic school is to give you a robust foundation of knowledge that will lead to a lifetime of building successful websites. This isn’t a quick fix, it’s hopefully a life-changing experience.

We also know you need help right now. You want more visitors, readers, subscribers and customers. You need more traffic to make your business succeed.

That’s where the double-your-traffic guarantee comes in: double your site’s traffic in the next 6 months or I’ll refund every penny of your tuition.

If you have a brand new site with only a handful of visitors per month, you’ll attract at least 3,000 visitors per month within six months, or your money back.

Either way, you’ll soon get a major boost from Traffic School.

Also, keep in mind that these are the same techniques used by me and our special guest instructors. My site Think Traffic attracted over 100,000 visitors in just 10 months. My personal blog attracted over half-a-million visitors in its first year. Some of our guest instructors attract half a million visitors per month, every month.

The sky is the limit if you’re willing to learn and apply what we teach you.

Availability and Tuition (and Price Break)

Traffic School will open to new students for a limited time starting on
Tuesday, March 1st at 1pm Eastern Time.

Because this is the first time Traffic School will be open to the public, enrollment is strictly limited to just 100 students. We want to make sure everything is ready for prime time before we open the doors to a wider audience.

As you might know, the typical cost for high-quality and comprehensive online business courses like Traffic School is $2,000 and more these days.

Some of the best courses out there are going for even more lately.

Traffic School is as comprehensive and useful as those other expensive and
well-regarded courses, but this is the first time we’re accepting students in the course.

We will eventually be charging much more for this program, but you get a very special one-time price break if you decide to join us in this inaugural class.

For this initial class only, we’re offering a very special lifetime tuition of
just $497 (for one payment), or 3 payments of $197. In exchange for the low enrollment fee, we’ll be asking for your feedback along the way, and for your patience as a few things are polished up after launch.

Tuition will never be this low again, so if you want a guaranteed method for doubling your website’s traffic, now is the best time to join.

Again, here’s what you’ll get in Traffic School:

●   Five core modules and 26 lessons
●   15 of the highest calibre guest instructors working online today
●   A complete framework for building a thriving online audience for your website or blog
●   Access to the student forums and lesson Q&A
●   The site launch checklist and site critique frameworks
●   Access to the exclusive Traffic School promotion network
●   Four special bonuses for the inaugural class, including two bonus lessons, the 19-page Conversion Rate Optimization formula guide and (for the first 20 students enrolled) Gary Vaynerchuk’s new book “The Thank You Economy”
●   The lowest enrollment fee Traffic School will ever offer
●   A no-hassle money back guarantee
●   Lifetime membership
●   A thriving audience for your website or blog

What Next?

Enrollment for Traffic School opens this Tuesday, March 1st at 1pm Eastern Time. If you’re on the priority notification list, we’ll remind you when enrollment opens.

Remember, the only way to secure your spot is to join the priority notification list. Join  the list now if you haven’t already. We will not be opening Traffic School up to the general public this time around.

When we go live, you’ll have the option to join immediately, or review the full
sales page and program details if you’re not quite sure yet.

There are only 100 spots available in the course. We will close enrollment when those 100 seats have been filled.

Again, keep in mind that this course is for serious online entrepreneurs who want to build a thriving audience and business based around a website or blog.

I can’t wait to get started with everyone who joins. Thanks for considering
Traffic School and I’ll see some of you on the inside! Regards,

-Corbett Barr
Traffic School and Think Traffic



Corbett Barr – Traffic School


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