Frank Kern – Mass Control 2.0

Mass control is the latest marketing system that has been created by Frank Kern and could potentially revolutionize how to market online. These days , lots of people are really interested in making money through the internet. From there on, a lot of products have been produced and marketed to earn money from this market. Some of them are ebooks with really good infos while others are just junks marketed with lots of promises and guarantees to find out lots of customers getting mad and refund the products.
Who Is Frank Kern ? On February 1st, Frank Kern released a very much anticipated Mass Control Marketing ebook that cost $3000. What was amazing about this product to cost this much? Was Mass Control Marketing really worth the money or junks that is marketed with too much hype ? To answer this question, let us check who is Frank Kern and what’s his achievement in Internet Marketing
He’s probably the most in demand, expensive, and IMPOSSIBLE-to-get marketers on the planet. He’s the guy who did the marketing for the first Stompernet Launch …and that did over $18 million in 24 hours. (He wrote the emails, the sales letter, and did scripting on the famous videos.) .And one time just for fun, he did the marketing for a dating product that did $1.4 million in just four hours. He’s also the guy behind the mysterious “Serializer” seminars …that sold a million bucks worth of seats in just 54 minutes …to a tiny list and without affiliates. …And that’s just the tip of the iceberg. Frank just happens to be one of the only guys out there who makes over a million a year selling “non-marketing” stuff to small niches.
Part 1: Core Influence.
Part 2: Four Day Cash Machine – This was a course designed to recoup your original money within 4 days.
Mass Control 2.0 Main Programs
Part 3: Mass Control Main Course
Week 1: Planting the seeds for total domination
Week 2: Creating your character and mass control story line
Week 3: The mass control formula revealed
Week 4: Implementation
Part 4: Crowd Control 3 DVD Set
BONUS: $23 million Dollar Swipe File.
Frank Kern – Mass Control 2.0
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