Hari Swaminathan – Volume Analysis – Smart Money

Volume is perhaps the most under-rated indicator in the markets. Volume shows the activities of the big hedge funds and proprietary desk traders, players we often refer to as “smart money”. Good volume analysis shows critical points at which markets turn around, when activity levels are low or high or when smart money is active or inactive. In this course, we analyze various stock charts, and combine volume analysis with price action. Volume also provides a storyline to the markets. Constructing this storyline correctly is critical in terms of trade entry and exits.
Smart Money or Big money has always tried to (legally) manipulate the markets to their advantage. Their goals are to conceal their activities as much as possible. But Volume is one indicator they cannot conceal. In many ways, this course levels the playing field for the average retail investor. Once you take this course, you’ll know what to look for, and you’ll be in a position to track smart money as they’re entering a Stock or they’re running for the exits. And your objective is to “follow the smart money”. When you position your trades in harmony with the money flows of smart money, you’re adding a whole layer of high-probability characteristics to your investing activities.
This is an exciting course !
What you will master
Why is Volume the most under-rated indicator
Identify the activities of smart money precisely
“Swim with the tide” – increase your odds of success
How to read long term and shorter term charts
Identify points of major market reversals (before they happen)
What is Distribution and Accumulation
Put short term price action in context of longer term charts
All of this explained in simple terms
Study of various charts on various timeframes
In this Section, we explore why Volume is a critical indicator to study, and why this is the only indicator that clearly shows the activities of Smart Money. What can Volume analysis tell us about activity levels in the markets. Volume is sometimes referred to as the “fuel of the markets”, and this is very true. This Section also defines some of the rules of “Smart Money”. These rules form the basis for the games and that Smart Money play, and the tactics they deploy to manipulate the markets to their advantage.
This section is a deep-dive into the methodology for spotting and tracking “Smart Money” using Volume analysis. A perfect timeframe for analyzing these activities was during the period preceding the financial crisis of 2007/2008 and the period after the bottom in March 2009. And there is no better instrument to study this than the S&P 500 Index itself. This section is a fascinating and shocking analysis of how we could spot Smart Money doing the following –
– Start selling in March 2007, about 6 months before the top in October 2007
– They sold (“distributed”) for about 9 months with barely a move in price
– Ran the bear market down to their liking
– Start “accumulating” stock by the end of 2008
– Finished accumulation phase over a period of 9 months
– Are running the Bull market right now to their liking
Detailed case studies of major stocks analyzing Smart money activity points –
1) BIDU – Smart Money is in, and they are not leaving
2) CAT – Similar to BIDU but more choppiness
3) FSLR – Gave a clear signal of smart money entry
4) NFLX, PCLN and FXE – Gave various signals for entry and exit
5) Silver Case study – Smart Money left Silver and has not come back yet.
Tags:volume volumeanalysis technicalanalysis chartreadingskills learntechnicalanalysis smartmoney tracksmartmoney trackmoneyflow
Over 13 lectures and 1.5 hours of content!
Understand the importance of Volume analysis when trading the financial markets
Why the activities of “Smart Money” is revealed through Volume analysis
How can we track “Smart Money” in all major stocks and indices
Take your analysis skills to cutting-edge levels
Position your trades in harmony with the “money flows”
Become an expert in Chart reading skills
Basic understanding of financial markets
Interest in Technical analysis and chart reading skills
Anyone interested in Financial markets and trading
If you trade Stocks, Futures, Options, ETFs, Gold or Currencies
If you want to improve your skills in following the “smart money” flows in and out of stocks
Section 1 – Introduction to Volume Analysis and Smart Money
Lecture 1: Basics of Volume analysis
Lecture 2: Why is Volume a critical indicator
Lecture 3: How does Smart Money operate in the markets
Section 2 – Tracking Smart Money
Lecture 4: Tracking Smart Money in the S&P 500 Index ETF SPY
Lecture 5: Smart Money – Distribution Phase
Lecture 6: Volume analysis and the makings of a Bear Market
Lecture 7: Smart Money – Accumulation Phase
Section 3 – Case Studies – Detailed Volume analysis and Smart Money activity in various Stock charts
Lecture 8: Case Study – BIDU
Lecture 9: Case Study – CAT
Lecture 10: Case Study – First Solar (FSLR)
Lecture 11: Case Study – Netflix, Priceline and Euro ETF
Lecture 12: Case Study – Silver Futures (/SI)
Lecture 13: CONCLUSION
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