Harlan Kilstein – The Connecting With Stories Program

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Harlan Kilstein – The Connecting With Stories Program



Harlan Kilstein – The Connecting With Stories Program
Harlan Kilstein – The Connecting With Stories Program


The Connecting With Stories Program

Here’s what you need to know so that you can decide if the Connecting With Stories program is right for you.

Does this describe your situation?

You want to go big with the site you have
Selling with hype makes you uncomfortable
You don’t feel comfortable asking people for money
You want to go big in a new niche
You don’t care about going big, you just want to make more money
You’ve done just about everything but you’re still not making money.
This is about taking your website and making in impact in other peoples’ lives.
You want to communicate and persuade with more effectiveness.

If you answered YES to two or more of the statements above, this program may be what you’ve been looking for, so read on.

If you didn’t answer YES to at least two of the questions, I suggest you close this page right now, and move on.

A Six Week All-Inclusive Course

Here is the structure of your course:

6 weeks of webinars
Membership site access with:
Recordings of all webinars and bonus sessions
Take action sheets with detailed step by step instructions
Copies of slides to review the lessons
Your work is reviewed each step of the way by an expert copywriter!

Week One
n your first week we teach you how expert copywriters learn just the right information about your “tribe” of blog readers.  We show you a fascinating process to find your authentic story.  Everybody has stories. You do to!  We help you find it.  We will help you develop the “voice” of your stories and your blog…. or to make your current voice more powerful and connecting to your audience.
You will find the section on Determining Your Market Stage to be one of the most powerful determining factors in selling elegantly and effectively.

Week Two
In week two you will learn the best ways to understand the problems and desires of your market.  You start getting your personal stories in front of your readers.  You learn how to use headlines for your blog posts that really make them stand out.

Learn different kinds of stories for different situations — and which stories work best!

Where, when, why and how to add a variety of stories to your blog posts.

Week Three
In week three you will learn how to write stories that sell.  Selling with stories is without question the most elegant and effective method of all.

Learn the most effective ways that short stories move the hearts and minds of your tribe.

Discover the secret to telling 5 minute stories.

We also cover how to eliminate hype in stories, which makes them even more connecting and effective.

Week Four

In this exciting week, we start to put everything together.

Every compelling sales piece  has to have these elements….

bullets (short exciting lists of benefits)
the offer (all the details of what your buyer gets) is essential
learn to anticipate objections, and how to ethically answer them
a guarantee is always needed – learn how to make them work for you
closing the sale in effective and elegant ways — no hype, no hard sell

Week Five
Week five is all about effective email marketing.

Telling stories in email is easier than you think — and very few of your competitors know how to do it effectively.

We work together on your email image…. your “email” voice, and how to craft it.

There are universal stories that have worked all through history … learn to collect them.

Week Six

Week six is all about videos, how to use them, how to make them, and especially how to make videos that tell the stories that connect you with your readers (and viewers).

This lesson will have basic steps if you’ve never made a video (we show you how to make them with free and low-cost tools).

You will be surprised to learn just how simple and effective short storytelling videos will be.

Special Bonus – Making Money On Facebook
Facebook has been a special interest of Dr. Kilsteins for almost five years now, and he has learned lots of things that will help you crack the code of making money on Facebook.
If you are on Facebook, you will want to learn the bonus information on how to create a financially successful Facebook Fan Page.
This exciting session is available only to members of the Connecting With Stories Program.



Harlan Kilstein – The Connecting With Stories Program


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