Michel Fortin – The Copy Doctor – Success Chef Cookbook

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Michel Fortin – The Copy Doctor – Success Chef Cookbook



Michel Fortin – The Copy Doctor – Success Chef Cookbook
Michel Fortin – The Copy Doctor – Success Chef Cookbook


Prescriptions For Compelling Copy

Suc­cess Chef Cook­book is a series of les­sons that explains some of the core con­cepts taught in Suc­cess Chef Uni­ver­sity. This one, The Copy Doc­tor, explo­res copyw­ri­ting, which is a com­po­nent in step #3 of Suc­cess Chef’s famous four-​​step pro­cess (i.e., “Website”).

Good copyw­ri­ting that con­verts brow­sers into buyers is vital to any suc­cess­ful busi­ness. In our Copy Doc­tor Cook­book, we show you, through the power of exam­ple, how to maxi­mize the profit-​​pulling power of any piece of copy you create.

With over 60 hours of the most intense, no-​​holds-​​barred copyw­ri­ting short­cut sec­rets and “extreme sales copy makeo­vers” ever caught on video, you will discover…

* How to leap­frog the lear­ning curve, write irre­sis­ti­ble copy in a stun­ningly short time, and trans­form any piece of dull, unres­pon­sive copy into a moneymaker.
* What tweaks and sim­ple adjust­ments you can apply to your copy that can can balloon your reve­nues and jump your bottom-​​line by a few deci­mal points.
* How to dive deep into the mind of your pros­pect to quickly and easily iden­tify their domi­nant fears, frus­tra­tions, and desi­res that can explode your response.
* How to select the right words and story angles that get your pros­pects rive­ted to your copy, han­ging onto every word, eager to become your customers.
* What inside sec­rets top million-​​dollar mar­ke­ters use, often “behind the sce­nes,” that can lite­rally dou­ble, tri­ple, qua­dru­ple, or even quin­tu­ple your sales.

And much more.
Here’s What You Get With Copy Doctor

samplecritiquens The Copy DoctorYou get inside look at how a top copyw­ri­ter thinks as he works with real copy from real clients, along with short­cut sec­rets to quickly maxi­mize the profit-​​pulling power of any sales or mar­ke­ting piece you create.

You get over 60 hours of multimedia-​​based trai­ning, where you get to watch a top copyw­ri­ter in action as he uses the same sec­rets to trans­form life­less sales pie­ces into money­ma­king powerhou­ses before your very eyes.

Video Vault (Over 60 Hours)

Watch Michel dis­sect real copy from real clients, and dis­co­ver how he turns them into mag­ne­tic mar­ke­ting pie­ces before your eyes, or what chan­ges he presc­ri­bes to con­vert dull, life­less copy into high-​​converting sales pieces.
Exc­lu­sive Articles

You also get exc­lu­sive artic­les, tips, and upda­tes to help acce­le­rate your copyw­ri­ting and your sales poten­tial into over­drive — inc­lu­ding some of Michel’s split-​​test results from his tests or those of his clients.
Closed-​​Door Inter­views (Over 14 Hours)

Lis­ten to over 14 hours of recor­ded inter­views with other mas­ter copyw­ri­ters, like Brian Keith Voi­les, John Reese, Craig Perrine, Gary Hal­bert, Yanik Sil­ver, David Gar­fin­kel, and others, inc­lu­ding suc­cess­ful marketers.
Seve­ral Spe­cial Reports

You get access to writ­ten guest cri­ti­ques as well as exc­lu­sive spe­cial reports from other mas­ter copyw­ri­ters. Authors inc­lude Bob Ser­ling, Joe Vitale, Dan Janal, Yanik Sil­ver, Alex Man­dos­sian, Peter Stone, David Gar­fin­kel, and more — many of which are not avai­la­ble anywhere else.
The Copy Doctor’s Medi­cine Bag

You gain access to 47 tools, forms, chec­klists, and tem­pla­tes to guide you in wri­ting or impro­ving your copy — from researching your mar­ket and struc­tu­ring your offer, to hand­ling objec­tions and trac­king its per­for­mance. Here’s just a par­tial list of what the medi­cine bag contains…
* 33 tools and online resour­ces Michel or his clients use.
* 5 in-​​depth ques­tion­nai­res Michel uses for researching copy, struc­tu­ring sales copy, and craf­ting offers, inc­lu­ding his pro­prie­tary formulas.
* 7 tem­pla­tes and chec­klists (e.g., bene­fit prio­ri­ti­za­tion, split-​​test trac­ker, objec­tion hand­ling, USP crea­tion, ele­ments of proof, etc).
* 12 pre-​​designed sales­let­ter tem­pla­tes you can “plug and go,” inc­lu­ding layouts, scripts, fonts, and colors desig­ned for boos­ting response.
* 7,500 graphic grab­bers you can copy and paste into your copy to boost atten­tion, rea­dership, and res­ponse, which are 100% royalty-​​free.
* 4,700 ima­ges, with stock pho­tos and benefit-​​driven pic­tu­res to pro­vide eye gra­vity and boost your copy’s attrac­tion fac­tor, also all royalty-​​free.
* 700 scripts you can add to any web­page to add inte­rac­ti­vity, per­so­na­li­za­tion, vali­da­ting form sub­mis­sions, and more — all royalty-​​free, too.
Digi­tal 280-​​Page Book

Over 5 years ago, Michel wrote “Power Posi­tio­ning,” a book on posi­tio­ning and mar­ke­ting stra­te­gies on the Inter­net using “hooks,” stra­te­gic allian­ces, and copy. This book is currently being sold on its own web­site for $47, but you get a down­loa­da­ble digi­tal copy of the book for free.
12,000+ Graphics Vault

You get 12,000+ royalty-​​free scripts, ima­ges, graphics, and more you can add to your copy to boost its pull-​​power. For exam­ple, you get arrows, bullets, but­tons, pho­tos, graphics, cli­part, count­down scripts, ban­ner rota­tors, pop-​​up win­dows, form pro­ces­sors, and tons more.

Excerpt From “The Copy Doctor”

While clients pay Michel up to $3,000 to con­duct a cri­ti­que con­sul­ta­tion, and up to $15,000 for a sales­let­ter, we’re making one of these pri­vate con­sul­ta­tions avai­la­ble for you. Below is a full, recor­ded cri­ti­que con­sul­ta­tion he gave to an actual, paying client. It is une­di­ted, uncen­so­red, and lasts for 2.7 hours (164 minu­tes in total).

The video is bro­ken down into shor­ter seg­ments for fas­ter loading.

critiquescreenshot The Copy Doctor

VideoClick here to start watching. (Remem­ber to click the “play” but­ton to start watching. If the video doesn’t load, click here to open it in a new window.)

The Copy Doc­tor is a video tuto­rial series. Many were recor­ded from live con­sul­ta­tions with actual clients, and lin­ked in an easy-​​to-​​follow tuto­rial fashion. You simply need to click the video links to start the videos. Under the video sec­tion are links to resour­ces, tools, and web­si­tes discussed.

* Follow at your own pace.
* Ideal for all skill levels and businesses.
* No boring manuals or downloads.
* Start lear­ning in minutes.
* Learn anywhere, anytime.

Why Invest in The Copy Doctor?

Ima­gine what it would be worth to have a high-​​priced copyw­ri­ter per­so­nally give you dozens of real-​​life stra­te­gies, ideas, and tips you can apply right away to pro­duce maxi­mum res­ponse with all your marketing.

Ima­gine how power­ful it would be to take real copy from real peo­ple, and having it ram­ped up for maxi­mum pro­fits before your eyes — with no text­book theory, no second-​​hand exam­ples, no recyc­led gar­bage, and no out­da­ted case studies.

Ima­gine what it would be like to become privy to short­cut sec­rets, tes­ted con­ver­sion stra­te­gies, and breakth­rough tech­ni­ques — without the need to learn this your­self — and have them all right at your fin­ger­tips whe­ne­ver you need them! Like…

* Power­ful new headlines…
* Block­bus­ter openings…
* Collar-​​grabbing hooks…
* Pro­ven res­ponse triggers…
* Irre­sis­ti­ble “can’t-say-no” offers…
* Mind-​​blowing split-​​test results…
* Breakth­roughs no one else knows about…
* Uni­que copy angles and strategies…
* Pro­ven spilt-​​testing opportunities…
* New or hid­den pro­fit centers…
* Killer clo­sing tech­ni­ques that seal the deal…

… And much more!
What Makes Success Chef’s Training Different?

Just like follo­wing a recipe, you will be able to locate the right ingre­dients and use them in the right order. By follo­wing all four steps in order, you won’t…

* Waste money on “ingre­dients” you don’t need;
* Waste time lear­ning what you don’t need to know;
* Buy another soft­ware tool unless you know you need it;
* Buy dupli­ca­tes of the same Inter­net mar­ke­ting strategy;
* Take unne­ces­sary risks that cost you time and money;
* Or create pro­ducts no one wants to buy!

But you will…

* Stra­te­gize and opti­mize your busi­ness plan;
* Create sys­tems that work (and can be outsour­ced easily);
* Reduce your risks (and your expen­ses) dramatically;
* Mul­tiply your chan­ces of suc­cess exponentially;
* Unders­tand what to do, how to do it and when to do it;
* And above all, make more money than other­wise possible!

Our strea­ming les­sons show you how to maxi­mize your pro­fits and mini­mize your expen­ses. In the “Copy Doc­tor” spe­ci­fi­cally, you will dis­co­ver, exactly and step by step, how to maxi­mize your sales copy for grea­ter rea­dership and response.

It shows you how to write more com­pe­lling mar­ke­ting mes­sa­ges that drive cus­to­mer actions, clinch the sale, and boost pro­fits — from enga­ging rea­ders and get­ting the to take action, to having them buy from you again and again.





Michel Fortin – The Copy Doctor – Success Chef Cookbook

1 review for Michel Fortin – The Copy Doctor – Success Chef Cookbook

(1 customer review )
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