Smashify – Adam Dukes

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Smashify – Adam Dukes


Smashify – Adam Dukes
Smashify – Adam Dukes

Smashify – Adam Dukes

“Shopify Is Your Powerful Gateway To Online Success and Real Personal Freedom…”

“So what IS Shopify anyway and why should you be paying closer attention to it?”

Shopify is a complete e-commerce solution that will allow you to create an online store to sell goods to people all across the world. It will let you easily set up your store, organize your products, customize your storefront, accept credit card payments, and even track and respond to orders with ease. All it takes is a few clicks of your mouse and you’ll be setup in no time.

Plus, your store will LOOK PROFESSIONAL and it will be EASY TO PURCHASE from for buyers.

“Out of all the Shopify Courses online, WHY should you listen to a

34 year old stay at home dad like me anyway?”


Great question…

I want to share a glimpse into my entrepreneurial journey, which started in October of 2010.

To say it’s been all sunshine and rainbows, would be a lie.

There were many times I wanted to throw in the towel and get a 9 to 5.

Maybe my Mom was right.

Maybe I am meant to work for someone and earn two weeks off each year for vacation.

Maybe I was meant for mediocrity.

Maybe my stubbornness will work in your  favor?

For the last 5 years, I have been working with small businesses and helping them generate more profits by using digital marketing. A business that some great months and some months were downright awful.

In the beginning, there were some months where I made less than $1,000 per month.

In fact, I cashed out my 401k in 2011 to help me “put food on the table”. It is not something I am proud of, but felt like it was the only option at the time.

I was desperate.

I was scared.

And I turned to my “safety net”.

From pizza shops to dentists, to attorneys around the country, a private investigator, and a jewelry store owner who threatened to put me in a “meat grinder” – I have worked with them all.

Money was never consistent over the last 5 years. I had one month where I topped the $10k/mo in revenue – a number every digital entrepreneur constantly chases. Unfortunately, that was in January of 2013 and have not reached that milestone again.

For the last 20 months, I have focused on helping real estate agents generate leads using Facebook advertising. I had some success with it, but realized I needed about 3 or 4 of me to really grow that business.

In April of this year, a friend reached out and asked if I had ever sold anything using Shopify. The only thing I have sold online was digital goods (online training courses, digital downloads, etc), never anything physical.

I told her I hadn’t and moved on.

She reached out a couple more times, for some reason.

And thankfully, I started to listen to her. I started to explore the opportunity Shopify presented.

In June of this year, I launched my first Shopify store with ZERO experience in the eCommerce World.

In fact, eCommerce terrified me at the time.

My how things have changed in just a few short months…


In June, I started learning the ropes and my total sales were a whopping $237.97 – not quite retirement money.

Well, not where I want to retire, that is.

In July, I started seeing more success and my total sales were $2,333.64.

This was all a very part time business as I was running my marketing agency for real estate agents.

In August, I decided to invest more time & energy into the Shopify store, as I felt I was onto something. I also hired my first assistant, as the store was moving a lot of product.

After all was said and done, we did $15,195.88 in total sales in the month of August.

In 5 years of working with small businesses, I had ONE month where I did over $10,000 in revenue.

With Shopify, I did it in my third month.

September we closed out with $22,778.38 in total sales – which means this is now a quarter of a million dollar business.

Absolutely amazing, if you think about it.

And the thing is – we are giving away our product on Facebook to generate this windfall of sales that has allowed me to pay off my last credit card.

That’s right, thanks to Shopify, Facebook and my proven system — I no longer have any credit card debt.

I am in the process of paying off my car, then Sallie Mae and I’ll be 100% debt free by 2016.

Setting up a profitable store is actually a very simple process, if you have the blueprint.

After all my success with Shopify, I knew that after everything I learned, that I could put ALL the information, steps, and more into one course to help people just like yourself create an online business that could not only be successful, but be one that you could be proud of.

And that’s exactly why I created my online training course…

Smashify: How To Build a Six Figure E-Commerce Store In 90 Days

Without Sacrificing Your Money, Your Sanity or Your Reputation

Inside the Smashify Online Training, you’ll get full access to 4 powerful video modules that will walk you through everything you’ll need to know to get your own Shopify store up and running quickly and successfully.

These 4 modules will include:

MODULE #1The Risk Free Path of E-Commerce Success

MODULE #2Get On The Fast Track To Success With Shopify

MODULE #3: An Explosion of Niches and Profitable Ideas

MODULE #4Mastering Facebook Ads To Maximize Profits

In each video module (which is roughly 60-80 minutes in length), I’ll ONLY focus on the information you need, minus the fluff and filler that most courses provide. I’m not a fan of video courses that ramble on and on for hours, and I’m sure you’re not either.

Everything you will need will be nicely compiled into 4 modules only.

That’s it!

I’ll also provide you a comprehensive FAQ “master” resource that answers some of the most common questions students have asked throughout the training. This way if you should have any questions, it will most likely be answered in this resource.

“My GOAL for you with this course, initially, is to set up your own unique store,

and to make $100 in sales in the first 14 days. Then my goal is for you to start having profitable $100+ days within 30 days, and then finally moving you to a full 6-figure business within 90 days.”

This way you’ll be achieving realistic goals that you can then build on. This isn’t one of those “gimmicky” courses that promises you 6 figures in 6 days.

We all know that isn’t going to happen.

But rest assured, this information can create a 6-figure a year business for you online once you get it started and increase your traffic and product offerings. The sky really is the limit as to what you could make.

“Here’s Just A Short Sneak Peek Of What You’ll Discover In The Smashify Video Course Training…”

  • Step-by-step instructions on how to QUICKLY and EASILY get your first Shopify store up and running! I’ll show you exactly what you need to know!
  • Discover how you can be selling $100/day by this time next week WITHOUT hiring additionally staff or stocking more inventory!
  • I’ll show you why “Failing Fast” is actually a good thing when you combine Shopify with the powerful advertising platform of Facebook Ads!
  • Find out how to find RED HOT PRODUCTS that are selling like hotcakes online, and start selling them yourself without needing any inventory!
  • Learn how to properly position your FREE SHIPPING offer to minimize complaints, but explode your profits like crazy!
  • I’ll reveal my exact (and unorthodox!) methods for using Facebook Ads to drive the perfect visitors that are more likely to buy from you…and then I’ll show you HOW TO SCALE AND GO BIG!
  • Discover these 6 DEAD SIMPLE WAYS to skyrocket your trust and credibility with your own Shopify store. By doing this, you’ll rise above all your competition!
  • Learn how to finally GET RID OF FACEBOOK TROLLS who will try and destroy your business with their negative comments. This trick alone could save your business!
  • Find out how ONE SINGLE RAP SONG exploded the success of my Shopify store and completely changed the way I viewed my limits on success online in an instant!
  • Discover this ONE single app that added A WHOPPING $3,189.12 TO MY BOTTOM LINE in the first 30 days of using it with my Shopify store!
  • Get full access to the EXACT fill-in-the-blank spreadsheet my team and I use to ensure that we are profitable…EVERY SINGLE DAY!
  • Learn how to use the power of Facebook comments in your ads to convert simple casual browsers into raving fans and buyers!
  • I’ll reveal my secret app that will design and send out PROFIT PRODUCING EMAILS like clockwork for you! No need to hire designers or extra support to do it either!
  • Learn how to use a “Smart Upsell” to exponentially grow your profits from day one! Using this app is essential for big profits!

Smashify – Adam Dukes


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