Thomas Leonard – The Collected Audio Library Of Thomas Leonard

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Thomas Leonard – The Collected Audio Library Of Thomas Leonard



Thomas Leonard – The Collected Audio Library Of Thomas Leonard
Thomas Leonard – The Collected Audio Library Of Thomas Leonard


The Collected Audio Library Of Thomas Leonard

Author: Thomas Leonard



Brief Description:

• CD Set 1: Thomas Leonard, The Person – 8 CDs containing recordings featuring Thomas Leonard teaching and facilitating, sound quality updated and packaged in DVD-style case.

• CD Set 2: Thomas Leonard, On Coaching – 10 CDs containing recordings featuring Thomas Leonard teaching and facilitating, sound quality updated and packaged in DVD-style case.

• Bonus Set 3: Thomas Leonard Follows His Curiosity – 2 CDs (15 audio shorts – approx. 10 minutes each) where Thomas Leonard interviews various experts in technology, teaching, coaching and more, a very special gift when you purchase the Collected Audio Library.

The Newly-Released Collected Audio Library of Thomas Leonard Brings Thomas’s Teaching To Life For a New Generation of Listeners, Giving Them A Strategic Edge

The Collected Audio Library of Thomas Leonard offers a unique doorway into one of the great thinkers of this century and without doubt, a leading thinker in the movement to bring coaching to the mainstream.  It brings together for the first time a wide-ranging, extended picture of Thomas the man through his teachings, his vision for coaching, and perhaps most of all, his lightness of being that may inspire your own growth.

Altogether, there are over 20 tracks of varying lengths in the collection, between 30 and 60 minutes each and organized under 3 themes. The final selections were made based on the popularity and impact of the calls when they were first delivered, as well as for relevance today.  You’ll soon discover that Thomas’ thinking was so far ahead, even today, that many of his thoughts and hopes are still not fully realized.

Get Coached By These 20 Recordings, Which, Taken As A Whole, Can Be Used As A Blueprint For Promising Work That Still Needs Doing – Perhaps By You?

Over time, sound technology has advanced, leaving the precious few recordings we have of Thomas subject to degradation. And of course, the recordings themselves are sometimes cut off.  But I’m truly delighted that after weeks of digital re-mastering to best possible sound quality, all formatting and packaging are now complete.

These very special raw and uncut recordings are now ready for easy listening and learning.

Experience For Yourself With 8 Recordings: Thomas Leonard – The Person

The Collected Audio Library of Thomas Leonard is organized into 3 themes. The first is Thomas Leonard – The Person – in which we hear Thomas teaching on 8 topics that most defined the distinct individual he was.

Through these topics, you ’ll discover what he felt about certain pivotal and controversial topics.

DISC 1: Becoming a Perfect Person
Thomas, rather unreasonably, some thought, felt it was worthwhile trying to become a perfect person. If so, how did he live with his own shortcomings? What was he actively working on? What did he despair of and was he at peace with that? This tougher topic ends up being quite light and freeing, a little like the man himself.

DISC 2: Becoming Reaction Free
Thomas credited everything he created to a very simple thing: over-responding to the world around him. But before it’s possible to give ourselves to over-responding, first we must become reaction free. Sounds challenging, right? But how does this look from Thomas’ eyes?

DISC 3: Enjoying the Tension of Modern Paradoxes
What a great pleasure Thomas took in contradictions! Sometimes referring to himself as a walking cornucopia of paradoxes, how did he live with that? How might this idea that you can enjoy the paradoxes in you change your relationship to yourself?

DISC 4: Environmental Design
Now increasingly popular as a topic among heavy hitters in the self-help movement, the revolutionary thinking behind environmental design was some of Thomas’ very best work, and why? He embodied someone who used his environment to bring out his best self. A very revealing call.

DISC 5: Defining Success for Yourself
Unless we know where the goalposts are, how can we know if we are winning the game of life? The idea of defining success in highly individual ways was a north star in Thomas’ life. He played his own game of life, and unapologetically no one else’s. Perhaps this is just the thing for you, in order to do similarly?

DISC 6: Designing Sources of Energy
Thomas believed sources of energy could be designed and managed. He admittedly had difficulties with this, sometimes dropping out of communication for long periods of time, only to return to his creative projects with a vengeance. How did he approach energy design and how can this approach assist you?

DISC 7: How Thomas Gets so Much Done and is Still a Human Being After All
Perhaps one of his most personal calls, Thomas was never shy to expose his life to scrutiny such that the rest of us could benefit.  His productivity was legion and a big part of his attraction – he made the impossible seem easy and everyone wanted in on the secret. This one of a kind recording is a precious gift indeed.

DISC 8: Getting Through the First Two Years of CoachVille
A special addition to this part of the Collected Audio Library of Thomas Leonard, was Thomas’ proudest achievement at the time of his death. The first two years of intense creativity on CoachVille represented the biggest investment of time, energy and intellect he would make on the planet. How did he feel about this? What were his hopes? What might he have done had he lived? What might you do, knowing this, and having gotten to know Thomas better?

Thomas Leonard’s Thoughts On Coaching Represent A (Yet-To-Be Fully Realized) Blueprint For The Personal Development Movement

The second theme in the Collected Audio Library lays out Thomas’ vision for Coaching in our world in a future-oriented 10 tracks, covering:

Would You Enjoy Shedding Light On The Future Of Coaching, The Role of Coach In Society, Lazer Coaching And – Maybe Even Answer That Pesky Question…What is Coaching?

The Thomas Leonard – On Coaching 10-CD set brings definition to this thing called coaching.  It clearly lays out Thomas’ thoughts, then opens for discussion, clarification and amplification by participants.

In beautiful packaging that pays tribute to Thomas love of living and working from an RV, these recordings have been carefully selected to lend clarity about what coaching is, and its potential to impact lives.  While more coaches come to the profession to impact people’s lives, there is no other coaching leader alive or dead who took the meta-vantage point to coaching as a movement, like Thomas did.  As such, I encourage you wholeheartedly to ask:

• Do I have a very logical idea of what coaching might be, and might I benefit from understanding the art and science of coaching?

• Could coaching be easier than I think it needs to be?

• How might my vision for coaching actually be smaller than it could be, without knowing it?

• Am I seeing a highly competitive field with a paucity of clients, when there are actually a large number of strategic coaching moves still available to be played on the game board?

The Vision, Energy And Care Thomas Had For Coaching Lives On Through His Teachings And – If We Choose – Us

Early listeners who’ve absorbed themselves in the Collected Audio Library agree – there is something about the experience of listening to the recordings.  There is no other voice like Thomas’ after all; he was the first to talk about coaching on Donahue.  In Newsweek and Time Magazines.  He founded the first coach training company and BOTH professional coach associations.  This vantage point can be claimed by absolutely no one else, and vaunted as it may be, his energy is accessible – affordably even – through recordings like these.




Thomas Leonard – The Collected Audio Library Of Thomas Leonard


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