Travis Lee – 3D Mail Direct Marketing Systems

What’s Included in the 3D Mail Direct Marketing System:
– The Complete “Swipe File” CD containing 207 sales letters, completely written and ready to implement on CD in Microsoft Word format PLUS Hard Copies of all the letters. Included are letters for prospecting new clients, letters to existing clients, upgrade and cross-selling, lost client reactivation and generating referrals. All the hard work has been done for you.
– $200 Gift Certificate from 3D Mail Results to be used on any 3D Mail Results Product.
– One sample of each product we currently stock. You’ll get one pill bottle, one bank bag, one mini self-mailing trash can, one treasure chest… You get the idea. 36 items in all. You can touch them, feel them, hold them, check them out to see which ones will work best for your business.
– Why 3D Mail Gets Such Great Results: This covers all the basic “in’s and out’s” of using 3D Mail, how to use it properly for maximum success, and why you should be testing 3D Mail throughout your direct mail campaigns.
– 350 of the Best Headlines of All Time and The 25 Best Fill-in-The-Blank Headlines: Headlines are without a doubt, the most important part of any sales message. The best ones have been around for years. They are tested and proven, so why reinvent the wheel?
– The Top Thirteen Mistakes in Preparing a Sales Letter: When you sit down to write a letter using 3D Mail, you won’t make the same mistakes we see time and time again when reviewing and critiquing work from our clients.
– Why Premiums/Free Gifts Out Perform Discounts and Rebates: This report explains how you can use Free Gifts with-OUT having to discount or rebate your products/services.
– Copywriting to Sell Any Product or Service: The greatest 3D Mail in the world is worthless unless you know how to put words on paper that sell. This report will guide you through the copywriting process, so you don’t miss a thing.
Use the entire System for 12 months and if your direct mail headaches aren’t cured, simply send back the 3D Mail Direct Marketing System for a quick and painless 100% refund.
Let’s face it, busting through the clutter and getting your direct mail opened and read is tougher than ever. It’s the biggest obstacle you must overcome in any advertising; getting your message opened, read, heard or seen.
We’re hit with a barrage of ads and marketing messages every day. The average American sees 3,500 marketing message each day. That’s 1,277,500 a year! So how are you going to set your marketing apart, so you’re the 1 in 1,277,500 this year that your prospect, client, or patient will pay attention to?
Not only are we overwhelmed by the marketing we see, we’re bored by it. Think about the mail you receive everyday, both at home and in the office. It all looks the same. You can cut out the names and phone numbers, jumble them up, and put them back just about anywhere and they’d all still look and say the same thing. How much of it actually catches your attention, grabs you by the proverbial throat, and compels you to read?… My guess is, not much. We’re all suffering from marketing incest. 3D Mail is different. It cuts the clutter. It gets attention. It get’s opened… Instantly.
I Know What You May Be Thinking
You may thinking that your clients too smart, sophisticated, or rich for such things. But that simply isn’t true. People are people, and buyers are buyers. In many cases 3D Mail MUST be used to reach the so-called ‘too smart,’ ‘too sophisticated,’ and ‘too rich’ because they simply get “too much” direct mail. They typically are a group that is advertised to heavily. You must do something to draw their attention. To grab them by the throat and say, “YOU MUST READ MY MESSAGE!”
Prospects and clients who are too smart, sophisticated, or rich often appreciate the fact that you treat them differently when you send them 3D Mail. 3D Mail makes the recipient feel special. As if you did this just for them. People are eager for a ‘personal’ approach to marketing. They don’t want to be part of the masses.
You’re now starting to see the power of 3D Mail
Every marketer worth a lick knows that busy hands create sales. I’m betting that even if you’re the biggest stick in the mud on earth you couldn’t help but find the humour and fun in receiving this pill bottle in the mail… and you know what?… Your prospect, customers, patients or members can’t resist grinning as well.
What Do You Have To Lose?
Maybe some frustration, some struggle. Maybe some long-held beliefs about direct mail that are holding you back from maximum profits. Seriously, what DO you have to lose? You are fully covered by my “Doctor’s Orders” Guarantee. It is impossible to lose a penny. Use the entire System for 12 months and if your direct mail headaches aren’t cured, simply send back the 3D Mail Auto Repair Direct Marketing System for a quick and painless 100% refund.
What Do You Have To Gain?
Once you start using my system, you will unleash the power 3D Mail can have on your business. Seasonal slumps can be a thing of the past. Your competition will wonder how to continue to not only stay in business, but thrive, even in the current economic conditions. And guess what? Your competitors won’t have a clue how you are doing it. That’s what is so great about direct mail.
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